Under the artistic direction of Artem Shchukin, a world champion in manipulation, this exclusive lineup delivers a top-tier magical ensemble show. Tina Lenert (USA), renowned for her "Mop-Man Act," enchants with magical elegance, while Mike Caveney (USA) shines with his comedy magic. The Spanish duo Ramó and Alegría bring a unique couple dynamic to the stage, contrasting with the artistic and aesthetic performance of Jérôme Murat (France). The world-acclaimed talents of Pilou, Jimmy Delp, and rising star Kimoon Do from South Korea captivate audiences with their individual acts, delivering entertainment at the highest level.
Such extraordinary shows featuring world-class acts haven't been seen in Vienna since the 1976 World Championships. These artists, who typically perform at iconic venues like the Magic Castle in Hollywood or Las Vegas, will join us at Magic World Vienna for two weeks only! This is set to be a true celebration of magic!
Tina Lenert (USA) - Hollywood magic legend - music
Mike Caveney (USA) - Hollywood magic legend - english
Ramó and Alegría (ESP) - FISM Vice-European Champion of Grand Illusions - music
Pilou (FRA) - FISM World Champion of Manipulation & Grand Prix Winner - music
Jimmy Delp (FR) - America's Got Talent Finalist - music
Jérôme Murat (FRA) - Golden Wand Winner Monte Carlo Magic Stars - music
Kimoon Do (South Korea) - Penn & Teller Fooler - music
Moderation: Yurgen & Florette (German and English)